



於是先上了背包客棧搜尋資料,這裡有超多旅遊的資訊,而且大都是以省錢便利為原則,很符合我們這次出遊的精神,友人介紹可以到留學生網站詢問是否有短租,以及沙發衝浪上的免費住宿,林林總總,在12天內搞定,搞定了嗎?總之, 既去之,則安之


84天行程、 6個國家(馬來西亞 英國 西班牙 法國 捷克 匈牙利)12張機票、六晚沙發衝浪、兩晚夜宿機場  玩很大!宣布開始 ~~


補充 2006年去澳洲時的行李照片,(有圖有真相 )那時候兩個人的行李加起來快100公斤 ,人超好的XX航空地勤,居然沒算我們超重費,  IMG_7661.JPG

厚紙版內的是小摺 ,還有桌機(準系統)跟19吋螢幕...幾乎所有家當,我們都帶去澳洲囉!











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IMG_0470.JPG 這是我在澳洲唸書有一次無意在網站發現,影響我的價值觀很深,在澳洲的每一天,我幾乎都是在一種滿足的快樂中度過,那種快樂是因為早晨空氣裡飄散的鬆餅氣味,陽光灑落身上溫暖舒服的溫度,路上行人親切友善的招呼,那是一種感染的力量,周遭一切的自在都讓我很快樂,回台灣後,我開始體會生活這件事情是什麼?我開始給自己設立一些目標,這些目標的原則是建立在快樂之下,如今我又有機會去完成目標,很幸運,也會很辛苦,但我很清楚這才是我要的..try to do something different, and try to find another opportunity.
The truth about happiness may surprise you
(CNN) -- The next time you are deciding between ice cream and cake, buying a car or taking a trip to Europe, accepting a new job or keeping your old one, you should remember two things: First, your decision is rooted in the desire to become happy -- or at least happier than you are now. Second, there's a good chance the decision you make will be wrong.
Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert summed up our failings this way: "People have a lot of bad theories about happiness."
It's not for lack of trying. The Declaration of Independence affirms that we have an inalienable right to pursue happiness, and it's something we do with a vengeance.
Americans will spend $750 million on self-help books this year and more than $1 billion on motivational speakers. More than 100 colleges now offer classes in positive psychology -- the science of happiness. With all those resources focused on achieving happiness, we should all be brimming with joy. (Watch paralyzed man describe how he stays so happy -- 2:12 )
So where do we go wrong? Gilbert, author of the recent book "Stumbling on Happiness," blames our culture, our genes and our imagination.
Our culture implores us to buy bigger, newer, better things, but research shows "stuff" does not buy happiness. By and large, money buys happiness only for those who lack the basic needs. Once you pass an income of $50,000, more money doesn't buy much more happiness, Gilbert said.
Our genes hardwire us to reproduce, but children have a small negative effect on happiness, research shows. If you're a parent reading this, you're most likely shaking your head. But Gilbert said the findings are clear when parents are asked about their level of happiness in the moment.
"When you follow people throughout their days, as they're going about their normal activities, people are about as happy interacting with their children, on average, as when they're doing housework. They're much less happy than when they're exercising, sleeping, grocery shopping, hanging out with friends," Gilbert said. "Now, that doesn't mean they don't occasionally create these transcendent moments of joy that we remember as filling our days with happiness."
Finally, our imaginations fail us, Gilbert said, because when we envision different futures we see either perpetual gloom or happily ever-after scenarios. In fact, neither unhappiness nor joy last as long as we expect. As you've probably guessed, winning the lottery will not guarantee a life of bliss.
By the same token, becoming disabled does not relegate one to a life of unhappiness. The disabled spend their days about as happy as the general population, according to Gilbert.
So what makes us happy? In general, the older you get the happier you get -- until you reach very old age.
According to a Pew Research Center survey, the happiest age group is men 65 and older; the least happy: men 18 to 29.
The survey also found:

Married people are happier than singles.

College grads are happier than those without a college degree.

People who were religious are happier than those who aren't.

Sunbelt residents are happier than other U.S. residents.

Republicans are happier than Democrats -- but both are happier than independents.
Nancy Segal, a professor at California State University, Fullerton, has spent her professional career studying twins and happiness. We all have an innate level of happiness, Segal said. The best we can do is boost our happiness a little bit above this natural "set point."
With that in mind, Segal said we should pass on buying lottery tickets and find small things we can do every day that bring us joy, whether it's going for a walk or cooking a meal or reading a book.
Robert Biswas-Diener is called the Indiana Jones of positive psychology because he has traveled the globe looking at happiness in different cultures.
"There is good evidence that people express at least some fundamental emotions like disgust, anger and happiness in a very similar way all around the world," Diener said.
Diener, who also is a life coach, says happiness from the most traditional cultures to the most modern depend heavily on close family and other human relationships.
If you want to do a better job predicting how happy something will make you, said Gilbert, the Harvard professor, you need to remember we are not so different when it comes to happiness.
"If I wanted to know what a certain future would feel like to me I would find someone who is already living that future," he said. "If I wonder what it's like to become a lawyer or marry a busy executive or eat at a particular restaurant my best bet is to find people who have actually done these things and see how happy they are.
"What we know from studies is not only will this increase the accuracy of your prediction, but nobody wants to do it," he said. "The reason is we believe we're unique. We don't believe other people's experiences can tell us all that much about our own. I think this is an illusion of uniqueness."
And if you're trying to decide between the new car and the trip to Europe, Gilbert said take the trip.
"Part of us believes the new car is better because it lasts longer. But, in fact, that's the worst thing about the new car," he said. "It will stay around to disappoint you, whereas a trip to Europe is over. It evaporates. It has the good sense to go away, and you are left with nothing but a wonderful memory."
 nothing left but a wonderful memory..這句話說得真好~~

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人生即將邁入三十歲的當下,你還會有冒險的衝動嗎? 我們希望能保持衝動 直到100歲

 29歲這年,我和我的女朋友,一起辭掉穩定的電視台工作,一起領光所有的積蓄,一起面對週遭的人不可置信的樣子,不管啦!就是這樣,背起行囊,我們決定去流浪;半個月內,訂機票、結匯澳幣、拜別所有鄉親父老,Good bye台灣,Australia 我來了!現在回想,當時真的是一時衝動,但是這股衝動,卻讓我們長久以來的夢想實踐了。








在noosa自在逍遙三個月後,邁入在澳洲生活的第七個月時,我來到塔斯馬尼亞島,如果說noosa是個遊樂園,那塔斯馬尼亞島便是個人間天堂,早在出發來到塔斯馬尼亞島前,我先一步加入了WWOOF,就是Willing Workers On Organic Farms,字面上的意思是在有機農場工作的義工,我先透過電話聯絡,並一個個篩選有機農場,希望能遇上熱心的農場主人,就憑著幾封e-mail、幾通電話,我又把自己置身在一個比台灣大兩倍的大島上,在這裡的身分,我是個義工,我待過四個有機農場,住在沒有水電的深山工寮、洗澡是露天浴,克難的環境下卻跟農場主人,累積了像家人般的感情,之後我更花了將近一個月的時間,將塔斯馬尼亞島五座主要的國家公園,一次走透透,我好像一個朝聖者,孤獨的一個人靜靜在山上,把自己的心沉澱,我雖喜歡爬山,也從未獨攀過,這次不知道哪裡來的勇氣,竟然一個人扛著沉重的登山背包,憑著一本地圖,就在塔斯馬尼亞的山上待了一個月,回想當時的心境,或許是抱著現在不做,一輩子大概也沒機會做了吧!


我很慶幸,自己在三十歲前,可以在他鄉生活一段日子,這十個月裡,我經歷了觀光客、學生、背包客、義工、甚至朝聖者的角色,而這段時間裡,我們睡過機場,被航警當成流浪漢驅逐;曾經被澳洲的小混混傷害,心情沮喪的要命,沒想到回台灣後,這些點滴回憶起來,卻如此令人懷念;在澳洲時,我們常遇到許多十來歲的日、韓大學生,他們休學一年來澳洲打工度假,在歐洲,他們很流行the gap year,意思就是利用一年的時間,到一個陌生的國度,進行冒險學習,每每在Backpacke遇到這些來自世界各地的年輕人時,就覺得台灣的年輕人實在可惜,有關海外的資訊實在太少,年輕人也把出國這件事,當成是需要花費很多金錢,或英文一定得嚇嚇叫的活動,不過說實在的,英文只要比手畫腳可以通,錢只要來回機票付的起,比較需要的是那麼一點衝動及勇氣,夢想的實踐,其實就在呎尺...

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Mon,26th Oct ’09                 Taipei to Kuala Lumpur (KUL)                      Airasia

Tue,27th Oct ’09                  Kuala Lumpur to London (STN)                    Airasia

Fri, 6th Nov’09                     London to Glasgow(prestwick)(PIK)              Airasia

Thu,12th Nov’09                   Glasgow to Malaga(AGP)                           Ryanair

Wen,18th Nov’09                  Jerez (XRY) to Madrid(MAD)                       Ryanair

Mon, Nov 23                          Madrid to Girona (Barcelona)                      Ryanair

3rd Dec 2009                         Barcelona- Budapest (Ferihegy)                  Ryanair

16. Dec 2009                         Budapest-Paris                                         Wizz

28. Dec 2009                         Paris Beauvais Prague                               Wizz

16. Jan 2010                         Prague- London Luton                                 Wizz

17th ,Jan 2010,                      London to Kuala Lumpur                            Airasia

Tue 19 Jan 2010,                    Kuala Lumpur to Taipei                             Airasia


說實在,當我訂完機票時也頭昏眼花了,全部是廉價航空公司, 但並沒有搶到"超"特價票,考量行程及時間, 五個國家12趟行程,一個人 機票費用約為42000台幣..

多家比較,省一點 玩久一點...

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帶我去遠方  出乎意料

1.是一部悲劇  2.還帶點同性戀電影的意味在裡面



我  告別編導的工作,告別理想的公司
還好電影裡的最後鏡頭 遠方的一道彩虹.還是給了一絲絲希望

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